Panagiotis Kranidiotis is an open source evangelist, a senior systems engineer, and an open source solutions architect. The last 15 years has worked in various governmental organizations in Greece and in the banking sector. He is a member of the Board in GFOSS - Open Technologies Alliance, a non profit organization of major Greek universities which mentors projects and actions related to open government and cyber security.
From September 2009 until February 2013 he participated as a partner with the OpenGovernment Group of the Office of the Prime Minister as a responsible of the infrastructure and the security systems. With important role in the design and requirements analysis of the project Di@vgeia, he was also responsible for the maintenance for the period of the first 3 years, and for all infrastructure on which it was implemented. He has also participate as a research associate at the research group on Cloud, Technology, Economic Analysis and Strategy of Information Society that operates within the Laboratory of Industrial and Energy Economics. He has been a consultant to various municipalities designing and evaluating their Digital Strategy.
At present he is consultant and solutions architect in Hilon Informatics, a company providing consulting and integration services in Open Source Identity and API Management.